Cita-cita yang bagus tuh... yang penting sudah siap jalanin proses belajarnya...
Ingat tiga kata kuncinya: strategi, motivasi, & semangat. Cara masuk ke strategi, niat masuk ke motivasi, mencoba selalu yang terbaik adalah semangat...
That's a good objective... the importance is to be ready to start the learning process...
Remember the three keywords: strategy, motivation, & spirit. Mechanism falls into strategy, intention belongs to motivation, keep tryin the best is the spirit...
End of Story - 31 Jan 2008
Ingat tiga kata kuncinya: strategi, motivasi, & semangat. Cara masuk ke strategi, niat masuk ke motivasi, mencoba selalu yang terbaik adalah semangat...
That's a good objective... the importance is to be ready to start the learning process...
Remember the three keywords: strategy, motivation, & spirit. Mechanism falls into strategy, intention belongs to motivation, keep tryin the best is the spirit...
End of Story - 31 Jan 2008