Pada saat awal mulai kerja... banyak pertanyaan "kenapa gitu ya? kok ngak gitu sih?"... lalu setelah kejadian berlalu kadang masih kepikiran "harusnya gimana ya?" ...
Beberapa saat lagi jawaban pertanyaan gini bisa dicari tahu jawabnya dari situs Akan ada unek-unek dan pertanyaan termasuk "Why & How" yang ditanggapi oleh konsultan kiki4hire yang sudah mengalami kejadian tsb duluan ...
In the past when carreer starts... many questions like "why is it so? Why not that way?"... then after the event is over sometime our mind recalls and ask "how should it be?" ...
In the near future the answer of such question can be found in our web site: There will be some things in mind and question such as "Why & How" which will be answered by kiki4hire's consultant who experienced these things first...
End of Story - 22 Jan 2008
Beberapa saat lagi jawaban pertanyaan gini bisa dicari tahu jawabnya dari situs Akan ada unek-unek dan pertanyaan termasuk "Why & How" yang ditanggapi oleh konsultan kiki4hire yang sudah mengalami kejadian tsb duluan ...
In the past when carreer starts... many questions like "why is it so? Why not that way?"... then after the event is over sometime our mind recalls and ask "how should it be?" ...
In the near future the answer of such question can be found in our web site: There will be some things in mind and question such as "Why & How" which will be answered by kiki4hire's consultant who experienced these things first...
End of Story - 22 Jan 2008
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